Friday, June 13, 2008

Schedule Change

Several months ago, our office was presented with a choice...those of us that wanted to could continue to work 5-8 hour days OR we could work 4-10 hour days. We were also told that this might and might not actually take place, but that they were curious of what we would all want to do. I chose to work the 4-10's and to have Friday's off....

Well.............this morning we were told that the changes will take place MONDAY!!! Yes, two days from NOW! So, this is officially the last Friday that I will have to work and I am SO excited. Even though I will have to be at work at 7 a.m., I think that it will be so worth it in the end. I will be able to have longer weekends, we can plan trips and I can go eat lunch at Red Lobster with!

So, wish me luck with the new schedule (I will work Monday-Thursday 7-5:30) and pray that I get up on time Monday! LOL


Rosjuane said...

I can see a trip to Greenville in your future!!

Blake said...

WOO HOO, I'm ready...

Lou Arnold said...

Good luck with the new schedule. You must like the idea of having Friday's off.

dean said...

so which red lobster would that be?? 'cause i've been told by a certain friend of yours and mine that red lobster in monroe is an occasional destination, which will be, in about 2 weeks, less than a mile from my new residence (not that red lobster is moving... i am)

Mandy said...

Hey Blake! I didn't know you were a blogger. :)

I would LOVE that schedule.. Friday's off... that's so worth having to be at work by 7am. (I'm up at 5:30 anyways...)